Monday, November 24, 2008


Right now in the mountains there is huge rainstorm coming to day at night. This is a good sign to all you snow boarders out there. Rain is coming to day and snow is coming on Tuesday. People will be happy and enjoying there time in the mountains. Snow will be made out of the machines in some mountains like mountain high, big bear, and mammoth. People are so excited thgat people have been going shopping for snowboard clothes and gear. I even got a cool beanie that is greean white stripes with a puff ball on top. HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND HAVE A CRAZY TIME AT THE MOUNTAINS ALSO SKI SUKS!!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Obamas Move into the White House

Right now in the white house there is a family that is going into the magnificent building. It is the Obama family the first ever African American president. The wife is very amazed to move in such a huge house. The kids are excited too but they seem very mischievous. It looks like they will mess up the house a little by little like the other children. The good thing what the children like is about they can finally redecorate their room again like better than their old ones. The house has a pool, 5 chefs and kitchens, a dang load of rooms, and a very nice living room.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BlInD KiD PlAyInG FoOtBaLl

In some middle school there has been a kid who has been trying to play football. The crazy thing is he is blind who had a tumor long time ago. He wanted to play a game even when he is blind. As a kid at 5 he got his tumor removed. Hes playing real football with his freinds and team mates. His goal is to be the first blind football player there is. Except he says that he needs his friends and teamates to accomplish that.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


On Sunday night there was a huge football game that amazed everybody who was watching this game. People were very happy they won. It felt like a miracle because all the players had no hope but suddenly bam they made a come back in the 4th quarter. they felt with no hope because Romo and Garret were out of commission but they pulled through. They finally made it go Cowboys!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

James Bond OMG

People did you know there is a huge hit movie coming this week. It is called Quantum of Solace the movie that will make people jump off their feet. The main character of this movie is none other than James Bond. James Bond has been a crazy movie star between his young age movies and now he is like in his old ages. The amazing thing is that he has been a movie star for a long time. In this movie he acts like he is a double agent. He wants to have revenge on something but he can;t cause of his mission. so he does his mission then the other missions from his boss to keep suspicion. People are waiting for Quantum of Solace to come out when they see it they will be amazed.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hey people did you know that there are fires that are killing people. Even destroying many houses in just mere seconds. On friday night the fires were begining to destroy everything sylmar houses. Right now in every places people are fighting to stop fires in their gardens and houses. People or citizens are defending their houses by using garden hoses and sprayers. the firefighters are the ones who are fighting the fires the most. They all are using helicopters to drop water on the fires and the firefighters are using a lot of people. They use huge hoses that put water all over. Right now thue fires are still going on but people and firefighters are fighting these fires together as community.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Religious Activity In Prop 8

In California people are still fighting for their rights as same sex marriage. Everyday people are being or thinking what they should do to stop discrimination of rights. One girl from a college said that it is not fair for her rights to be gay in some way. Because of Prop 8 people feel cast outs. The new crazy thing is that religious activity is added on to this. One guy from a social security place says that religious marriage is that a sacrimony. A marriage is only meant for a man and a woman. This symbolizes all the religious parts of marriage. The bad thing is that this might all get messed up cause of all the rebellion happening in the streets for people who are still fighting.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The White House Show

After the campaigns were finished and the elections were done voting. President Bush showed Senator Barack Obama the White House and its magnificence. this event when the old president shows the next president the insides of the White House. Bush was showed by the memorable president Ronald Reagan. The White House was an armor for Obamas family. Basically every president has their own monument to merize them. One of them are the Washington monument that is a size of a huge building except that looks likes a pencil.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

War for Prop 8

Right now in the United States people are getting very over whelmed that the prop 8 was passed. Except the gay citizens who want to get married can not cause the of the proposition. The gay citizens are still fighting for their rights and their democratic rights too. They said that this is a hypocritical law because of document long time ago. It is called the Declaration of Independence also the Constitution. I think we should still fight because if we at least show them that gay marriage is not right they will soon understand.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Drunk Driving

Right now there has been many car crashes and traumas. This is all because od under aged drinking. So many people are drinking under age like high scholl students and some other teens. Every day teens drink to be cool or peer pressure. Drinking is bad for your liver cause it hurts your liver. News say that from the past 5 years the police have been trying to get rid of low age drinking. so far the police got 4,000 of the teens who have been drinking. Also some people are getting to drunk then they get in a coma but that usually happens.

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Army Training

Right now in the amusement parks the army has made a new type of training. They are doing this so they can have more troops to go to Iraq. This training is a simulator that shows a huge education of war and how what u do in a war. Except some people from a group that won't allow kids under 13 because kids should not learn this yet and also they are tooo young.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Right now in the United States we have one huge accomplishment with our proposition. It is we have succeded for the prop 8 that gay marriage is not allowed. The following states that have succeded are Florida and California. Some gay people are very pissed off how they are being discriminated. I think that it is a good thing because others will not get the bad influence iof these people. The other cool prop that passed was the 2nd one. Now the little animals can run around like we do. Also CHANGE CHANGE WE MUST CHANGE GO OBAMA!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Right now senator Obama has gotten many electoral votes this election. He has passed the requirement of getting over 270. Most people are amazed how he got over 300 electoral votes. Obama has an idea of changing the world woth his ideas of a new economy. Also he says instead of fighting he says that we have to negotiate with Iraq. Some people voted for McCain cause he is a good president but if he is dead palin is going to be very bad at governing. Except Biden has more experience also he's been vice president for pretty long. So yeah also Obama is the first African American to be president. If people are voting for him cause of that i think they are very stupid.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I would vote yes on this proposition because girls are in danger if they keep doing abortions. If we inform the parents by telling them that their daughter is having a abortion. This wat it can be more safe cause the parents and the daughter can talk to each toher about having an abortion. The bad things about an abortion is that you are killing precious life of a new born baby. Also u can get a disease from getting an abortion because of all the germs from the last abortion. Which then all the germs get on your private areas which will cause a wierd reaction. SO VOTE YES ON PROP 4

Monday, November 3, 2008


Right now in America there is a huge election going on around world. We must choose our president for this country. Two of our campaigns are senator Obama and senator McCain. Tommorrow we are choosing one of these people two govern our country. The new president shall help us come through all these challenges that we are facing. Another that we have to vote on are the propositions. I think we should kind of vote on this prop cause it is animal cruelty and if we keep this up all the animals will be gone. I kind of say no because if we say yes we can get poisoned by salmonela that come from eggs from mexico. So i am part 50% 50% on the votes